“I took the road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.”-Robert Frost

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Top 100!

I am so proud of my momma!!! This weekend I went down to Baltimore to see her be honored as one of Maryland's top 100 women! She has worked so hard to get where she is today. She deserved this award for sooooo many reasons! She is beautiful, strong, talented, caring, smart, and so inspirational!!! Im so thankful I got to go to the city this weekend to see my family, celebrate mothers day and my birthday!! Peace until next time! xoxo

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


*Sigh* My day is just beginning but I feel like the sun is already setting. So much to do today its overwhelming! Ever had that overwhelming sensation where you feel like you're paralyzed because so many things are running through your head? Well, thats me. Not just today but I'm pretty sure it will be all week. Less than a month of school left! You can just feel the tension between everyone, ad its taking its toll. All my roommates are sick and it doesn't help when there is 8 of you crammed in a little apartment. Friendships and relationships are struggling as well. Although its a ton of stress, we all know that so soon we will be home with our families, starting our summer jobs and enjoying the sun. Its so bitter sweet to think about leaving school. Its so stressful here but so amazing at the same time. I can't wait to go home and see my family, friends and people I care about but at the same time I feel like I'm leaving home and all my new friends. Im kind of stuck right now in my life of where I live, its a bit of a 'temporary home' situation. But all I can do for now is try my best at finishing the things I need to get done while staying motivated and positive. Not too much to ask right? Off to start this never ending list! xoxo

Monday, April 26, 2010


Ahhhhh!! Finally!! I've been fishing for so long and I finally caught one! This is my pride and joy! a huge catfish that was about 18 inches and 6-7 ponds! I've been fishing for so long with my friend Joe and he was catching fish but I wasnt! Joe was so excited for me! we were like jumping around screaming on the dock! It was great! ...So this is what my parents is paying for?? Ha ha its worth every penny!! I can feel summer coming and I love it! Hope ya'll are having some great weather and spending lots of time outdoors! xoxo!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh my gosh! What a wonderful weekend I had at the beach!!! My mom came down from home and stayed all weekend! I can feel summer coming and it feels amazing! Just laying on the beach without a worry in sight was great. We took amazing walks, hung out on the boardwalk, and went to some great restaurants! Two of my really close friends came down as well and stayed the night. We all went to this little place called BJ's and had so much fun! There was a great live band and delicious seafood. My friend Lubi and I were fist pumping to Train and Journey in the front row! Ha ha it was great! Good food, great friends, and amazing weather all adds up to a spectacular weekend!! xoxo

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Night Air

What a great way to start my new blog! I went on a late night adventure tonight with two of my roomie - Lubi and Sam, and we went across campus doing an amazing photo shoot. It was just for fun but it was such a good time! Everything is so different. Nighttime is such a magical time. It can be so scary but at the same time things just seem to come alive! Running around campus in my hippie dress I felt free. The col night air gave me such a sensation, I felt so light! THe pictures are currently being photoshopped so there are more to come, I just thought this would be a great short little start!
Good Night Sleeping Beauties! <3